RN Market has been making big changes recently. In 2010, we introduced our new finance program! This system has improved RN Market's ability to become one of the most affordable ways to become an Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant (ALNC), as well as upgrade to the Elite and/or Expert Curriculum.

Over the past several months, we have noticed that our nurses are busier than ever. This has lead to a high amount of re-certifications and association renewals to be put on the back burner. We have improved our ALNC & IAALNI notifications by providing 90/60/30 day courtesy expiration emails. We will also give a call on or before your expiration date to make sure you have received your renewal options. This is why it is important to notify us if your email or phone number or address changes.

Starting on May 20, 2011, our new policy for ALNC expirations are as follows: we are offering a 90-day grace period to bring your certification current, with a $250 charge. After 90-days, you will receive a letter if you have not renewed. This letter states you MUST remove your ALNC credentials in the use of privileges, rights and entitlements once issued by the LNI Institute for your Certification. If renewals are not obtained within the 90-day grace period, you must contact RN Market for further instructions.

Our IAALNI Association is a great way to network. We do suggest that all members fill in ALL profile information as soon as purchased. When we have cases and need specific nurses and/or experts, we will search the Association website first before sending out a mass email. This is a "must", to ensure future job opportunities for you and your career.

These are a few of the new policies that will ensure and maintain our standards of practice for our current ALNC nurses. We thank you for your commitment to the Advanced Legal Nurse Consulting field and to RN Market. Please call in to keep us updated on all of your success stories. We love to share your achievements with upcoming nurses, who are contemplating entering this dynamic field.


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