New Legal Nurse Specials at
Valid January 3-31, 2011 1) 15% Off the Elite Plan or Expert Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take 15% off the price of the LNC STAT Elite Plan or Expert Curriculum if you have already taken a Legal Nurse Consulting course or certification from any organization other than RN MARKET. This offer is not valid with any other offer. Financing is not available with this offer. 2) 15% off CLNI, CPSS and Forensics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take 15% off the price of the CLNI, CPSS and Forensics courses scheduled for March 14-18, 2011. All three courses must be purchased together to receive this discount. This offer is not valid with any other offer. Financing is not available with this special. 3) $200 off the Ultimate Marketing Tool Kit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take $200 off the price of the Ultimate Marketing Tool Kit if yo...